Welcome to likebtn.com (the "Site"), the website and online service providing the like button widget for organizing anonymous voting on your website. This page explains the terms by which you may use our website, and software provided on or in connection with the service (collectively the "Service").
These Terms of Service ("Terms") shall be considered an offer. By accessing or using the Service you signify that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms and to the collection and use of your information as set forth in the LikeBtn Privacy Policy at
http://likebtn.com/en/privacy, whether or not you are a registered user of our Service. Terms apply to all visitors of the Site (a "User"), the owner or operator of a website that makes the LikeBtn Buttons available on its website (a "Customer" and the website a "Customer Site") or an individual who is accessing and using the LikeBtn Platform from a Customer Site (an "End User"). If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms, you may not access the Service.
1. Subject of Agreement
1.1. Administration is committed to providing Services to User, and the User agrees to abide by the Terms.
1.2. The obligatory condition of providing the Services by Administration in accordance with the Terms is the acceptance and abiding by the Terms by User.
1.3. Administration reserves the right to change these Terms at any time without coordinating with the User notifying the User by publishing the revised Terms on the Site. The User agrees to check periodically the content of the Terms published on the Site. The new version of the Terms and / or any of its integral part shall become effective upon publication on the Site. The current edition of the Terms is always available for public use on the Site at
2. The rights and obligations of the parties
2.1. The rights and obligations of the Administration.
2.1.1. Administration provides Services for the User. The Administration does not warrant that the information available at any given time, will be available at any other time during the term of the Terms.
2.1.2. The content of the Services, the timing of their provision and other parameters are determined by the User on their own by choosing Services in Tariff Plans.
2.1.3. Administration has the discretion to unilaterally change the prices of the Paid services. Administration is obliged to notify the User on the change of the prices of the Paid services by posting relevant information on the Site, as well as through changes in Tariff plans. In case of change of the Paid service price providing of the Services already paid by Customer continues in accordance with the tariffs that were in effect at the time of Activation of the Paid services.
2.1.4. Administration reserve the right to modify or discontinue the Services with or without notice to the User.
2.1.5. Administration at its sole discretion, may terminate User's use of the Services without prior notice for any reason at any time.
2.1.6. Administration has the right to unilaterally refuse to execute the Terms at any time.
2.1.7. Administration agrees not to disclose User Account information (e-mail, login and password).
2.1.8. Administration reserves the right to add to the Service styles of the like button developed by User and used on User's website without notice to the User.
2.2. The rights and obligations of the User.
2.2.1. The User agrees adhere to the regulations of the current Terms.
2.2.2. The User is not allowed to transfer Account information to third parties.
2.2.3. The User is not allowed to hide or remove LikeBtn logos or links from the widget provided by the Service.
2.2.4. The User is not allowed to make use of the software or carry out actions aimed at violating the normal functions and services of the Service.
2.2.5. User agrees not to store on their website or change Service scripts.
3. Personal data
3.1. By posting on the Site their personal information User confirms that doing so voluntarily and provides it voluntarily to Administration for processing.
3.2. Administration HAS NO the right to dispose of the statistical information collected through Services and transmit it to the third parties.
4. Order of Services
4.1. The User can use Free services without passing the registration procedure at the Site. To use the Paid services the User must pass the registration procedure.
4.2. To start using Paid services, provided by the Service, User have to Activate the Paid services by paying.
4.3. The services are considered to be successfully provided if Client has no claims during the tree days after performing the payment for services.
5. Price of the Services and payment options
5.1. Tariff plans are available on the Site at
5.2. The payment of all the Paid services, provided for the Customer, is based on the full prepayment.
6. Refund
6.1. We fully refund the tariff plan cost within 15 days from the purchase date.
7. Intellectual Property
7.1. The name, logo, code, information, graphics, audio, video, photos and other content of the Service are the intellectual property of the Administration and other rights holders, who have concluded an agreement with the Administration, which gives the right to place the objects of intellectual property on the Site.
7.2. Actions and / or omissions of the User, which caused a violation of the rights of the Administration or directed on violation of the rights of Administration on intellectual property entails a criminal, civil and administrative liability for the User.
8. Responsibilities of the Parties
8.1. Administration is not liable for damages caused to the User as a result of disclosure of the User Account information to third parties, which occurred not by Administration’s fault. If any person other than the User authorizes on the Site using User’s Account information, then all acts committed by such person, shall be deemed committed by the User. The User is responsible for all the acts committed by the User on the Site and for all the acts committed on the Site by any other person using the User Account information.
8.2. Administration does not warrant that the software of the Service does not contain errors and / or computer viruses. The Administration provides the User with an opportunity to use the Service software "as is" without warranty of any kind on the part of the Administration.
8.3. The Administration is not responsible for the smooth and proper functioning of the services of third parties used in the Service.
8.4. The responsibilities of the Administration to the Client in the event of a claim for damages is limited to the cost paid by the Customer for Paid services.
8.5. The Administration is not responsible for any failure to perform obligations under the Terms, as well as possible losses incurred, but not limited to, a the result of:
- the misconduct of the User aimed on breaching security or proper functioning of the Site;
- disruptions in the functioning of the Site, caused by errors in the code or computer viruses;
- absence of Internet connection between the User and the Site’s server, between the End User and the User’s server;
- the establishment of the state regulation (or control by other agencies) of the economic activities of commercial organizations on the Internet and / or the establishment of one-time constraints by these entities making it difficult or impossible to execute the Terms;
- other cases related to the actions (or inaction) of the User and / or other actors on the deterioration of the overall situation, using the Internet and / or computer equipment, as well as any other action aimed at the Service and on the third persons;
- implementation of the works referred to in paragraph 8.6 of the Terms.
8.6. The Administration has the right to carry out maintenance work in the software and hardware of the Service with the temporary suspension of the operation of the Service without prior notice to the User.
8.7. Neither Party shall be liable for the complete or partial non-performance of any of its obligations if the non-performance results from such force-majeure circumstances as flood, fire, earthquake and other natural disasters, war or military operations, and other force majeure which had arisen after the conclusion of the agreement on Terms and are not subject to the will of the Parties.
9. Claims settlement and dispute resolution
9.1. In the event of a dispute between the User and the Administration on issues connected to the fulfillment of these Terms, the Parties will make every effort to resolve these by negotiations. Complaint procedures for dispute resolution is required. Claims of Users on the Services provided are accepted and considered by the Administration in written form only and in accordance with these Terms.
9.2. In order to resolve disputes arising between the User and the Administration of the use of the Services, the following Complaint procedure shall be used:
- User sends to the Administration the claim, containing the essence of the requirements, justification for its presentation, as well as all the User Account data, by e-mail at support@likebtn.com;
- within five (5) working days from receipt of the claim the Administration is obliged to state its position on the fundamental issues of the claim and send a response by e-mail;
- in case of failure to resolve the dispute by complaint procedure the dispute shall be resolved in accordance with paragraph 9.3 of the Terms;
9.3. If no agreement is reached through negotiations among Parties, the dispute arising from these Terms subject to review by arbitration court (if the User is a legal entity), or in a court of general jurisdiction in the location of the Administration (if the User is an individual).
10. Final Provisions
10.1. The agreement on the Terms is concluded for an indefinite period and may be terminated by either Party at any time.
Last modified: 21.05.2018