Joomla Like Button plugin

Add a Like button to Joomla articles and K2 items!

Get instant statistics and insights!

Sort content by likes!

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12 Years of Success!

41 themes



Joomla 2.5 - 3.x

Mobile Friendly

Sorting articles by likes

Sorting articles by likes

92 parameters

  • Adjust any single aspect of the Like Button to best suit your needs.
  • Create whatever text you want for the like & dislike button.
  • Customize appearance with CSS.
  • Can be displayed depending on the content view mode, user authorization, category, etc.

Joomla Extension

Like Button plugin is listed in Joomla! Extensions Directory.

Like Button in Joomla! Extensions Directory


Shortcode to display the Like button inside an article: {likebtn}


Regular Updates

Like Button plugin uses updater, so you are informed immediately after a new release is launched and always have the latest version of the plugin!

Joomla Like Button Update

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The plugin is powered by The plugin is commercial and provides a 7-day TRIAL. After TRIAL ends your website is switched to the FREE plan and you can continue using FREE or upgrade.
Use the following shortcode: {likebtn}

You can pass Like button parameters like this:
{likebtn style="drop" counter_show="false" }

Use space to separate parameters, do not use commas or any other characters.

Insert the shortcode into the HTML code of the content item without using Wysiwyg editor. Click "Toggle editor" (or "Edit HTML source") when editing the content to switch editor from Wysiwyg to the plain HTML mode.

Button identifier parameter is used for statistics analysis. If identifier parameter is not specified, content ID is used.
If specifying custom identifier you will see button identifier in statistics instead of article title. You also will be unable to sort articles by likes. Make sure to specify a unique identifier for each like button using identifier parameter, otherwise all the buttons will reflect the same number of likes.
Use the following shortcode to disable Like Button in particular content item: {likebtn-off}

Insert the shortcode into the HTML code of the content item without using Wysiwyg editor. Click "Toggle editor" (or "Edit HTML source") when editing the content to switch editor from Wysiwyg to the plain HTML mode.

The identifer parameter in Joomla LikeBtn plugin has the following structure: Content type alias + _ + Content ID

  • com_content.article_1
  • com_tags.tag_7
Content types aliases can be found in the type_alias field of the content_types Joomla database table.

It is recommended to keep this identifier structure when inserting the LikeBtn HTML-code directly into Joomla template, otherwise you may face problems synchronizing voting results from into your Joomla database.
  1. Go to Extensions » Template Manager » Templates and choose template.
  2. On Editor tab open html/com_content/article/default.php template and append the following code:
    <?php echo plgContentLikebtn::getMarkup('com_content.article', $this->item->id, array('style'=>'drop', 'lang'=>'en'), true, true); ?>
  1. Install and activate Joomla Override plugin.
  2. Create override folder in your Joomla root directory.
  3. Create /override/com_content/models/articles.php script:
    defined('_JEXEC') or die;
    class ContentModelArticles extends ContentModelArticlesDefault
        protected function getListQuery()
            $query = parent::getListQuery();
            // Create a new query object.
            $db = $this->getDbo();
            // Add the list ordering clause.
                '#__likebtn_items AS likebtn_items ' .
                'ON likebtn_items.content_type = ' . $db->quote('com_content.article') . ' ' .
                'AND likebtn_items.content_id ='
            // Clear order clause
            // Sort by likes
            $query->order('c.lft, likebtn_items.likes DESC, a.created');
            // Sort by dislikes
            //$query->order('c.lft, likebtn_items.dislikes DESC, a.created');
            // Sort by likes minus dislikes
            //$query->order('c.lft, likebtn_items.likes_minus_dislikes DESC, a.created');
            return $query;


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Place our referral link or a banner on a website, get rewarded with 25% of all payments made by referred members (including all his future payments for renewals of subscription plans).

Referral rewards are paid to you via PayPal at the end of each month. What if I don't have a PayPal account?

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